Nebuta Festival

HomeSightseeing Information: Aomori City > Nebuta Festival

The soul of summer in Aomori, blazing with passion.
Aomori Nebuta Festival

Aomori, the land of the Nebuta Festival. Every year the festival, known for its heated excitement and grandeur, is held from August 2nd to 7th. Large floats depicting warriors, kabuki and mythical figures light up the summer night sky, while dancers called “haneto” excitedly dance around the floats as if mesmerized by the festive music.

Enjoy Nebuta throughout the year! Wa Rasse Nebuta Museum

Wa Rasse offers opportunities to enjoy Nebuta throughout the year, with displays of large Nebuta floats, and details about the origin of Nebuta, as well as the festival’s history over the years. There is also a restaurant overlooking the ocean, offering dishes using local ingredients from Aomori, and a shop selling Nebuta related goods and local products from Aomori.

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